What will the proposal contain, Your proposal must contain the conventional

Apr 3, 2024

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What will the proposal contain? Your proposal must contain the conventional elements of a proposal as discussed in chapter 16 of your text. Some of the elements you include in your proposal will vary from those other students include, but as a minimum, your proposal must contain the following:

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What will the proposal contain, Your proposal must contain the conventional
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· Executive Summary

· Introduction

· Problem Definition

· Solution

· Work Plan

· Detailed Steps/Strategies of the Proposed Project (if a document, then outline)

· Conclusion

The proposal will likely be about 3–4 pages long. Remember, this document is different from the Formal Project, which will be the longer, 10–15 page document.

This week’s project runs from now until the end of the semester, and it involves multiple activities:

1. Coming up with an idea for the ACE (Academic Community Engagement) Proposal Completion Report

2. Writing your ACE Proposal for your Completion Report. The proposal will serve as Major Document 3 (MD 3).

Even though you’re learning about these assignments now, you’ll have the duration of the semester to work on them, and they’ll be released to you as parts of our forthcoming modules – just as the assignments that you’ve completed so far. For now, I want to be sure that you understand how these documents/assignments relate to one another, so please read everything in this module carefully. By the end of this module, you should be able to:

· Identify a community that you and/or your groups want to propose to (academic/student and/or institutional organizations, living communities, industry/companies, any local and/or global community as relevant to your interested topic/project/mission).

· Explain a problem or a gap that you have identified and propose your solution to the problem.

· Apply principles of research, organization, design, and style to the documents that you create.

· Synthesize your analyses and research and provide solutions to the issues/problems.

· Report what you and/or your group members have done in a Completion Report format.


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