Westcoast CAPS402 2021 January Week 1 Discussion Latest

Nov 5, 2024

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Westcoast CAPS402 2021 January Week 1 Discussion Latest
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Week 1 Discussion

Present and discuss a topic that you are interested in researching for this course by providing the following steps. It is important to post your thread as early in the week as possible to have the best chance of getting a peer to review your work.

Create a new thread by clicking the “Create Thread” button in the discussion forum.

Name your thread with your name, “Firstname Lastname Topic Proposal.”

State your draft thesis/problem statement that includes the subject, the problem, and the specific population. (Review the information in this week’s Content & Activities section for additional information.)

Provide a background paragraph with information about the topic you selected. Include information from at least one scholarly source to support your information.  Conclude the paragraph with a statement about a possible goal or solution to the problem. (Scholarly sources should be published within the last five years.)

In your own words, explain why this topic is of interest to you.

Comment to a minimum of two peers. Remember that your feedback and support are important!

In your peer responses, provide your colleagues with constructive criticism. Identify topics that might seem too broad or too narrow in focus. Identify possible challenges and offer ideas and solutions for improvement.

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