Week 7 Discussion – Collaboration and Productivity

Jan 11, 2025

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Week 7 Discussion  – Collaboration and Productivity

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Week 7 Discussion – Collaboration and Productivity
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Complete the Collaboration and Business Productivity interactive scenario and the textbook readings. Then respond to the following:

  • Explore the connection between using collaboration tools and productivity, in your personal experience. When has using collaboration tools increased productivity in your life, either at work, at school, at home, or in your community? Or, in reverse, when has not using collaboration tools or using tools incorrectly had a negative impact on productivity?
  • Using the examples in Chapter 10 in the Reimagining Collaboration textbook, think of a current process you use at work, school, or in your personal life. What would that process look like if you reimagined it by applying a collaborative mindset and collaboration tools?

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