Week 5 Assignment Creating a UDL Instructional Plan

Apr 4, 2024



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Week 5 Assignment Creating a UDL Instructional Plan
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This assignment is another opportunity to apply the principles of universal design for learning (UDL) in the design of instruction and assessment. In this assignment, you develop a lesson plan that incorporates UDL and effectively leverages educational technologies in the classroom. Specifically, using the Cast UDL Lesson Builder (2011) website (see instructions below on how to access this website), you will create a lesson in either English/language arts (ELA) or mathematics that includes the components listed in the content expectations, below. Prior instructor approval is required for those seeking to develop a lesson pertaining to another subject area. Regardless of subject, your lesson should align with specific grade level standards.

Create your assignment using the content and written communication instructions below. Use the Grading Rubric to review your assignment before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance, review the Week Five Instructor Guidance page and, if needed, contact the instructor for further clarifications.

There are two parts to this assignment: Part I is an actual instructional plan and Part II is a final summary.

To prepare for Part I, you must first log onto the CAST UDL Lesson Builder (2011) website. Create a free account. Next, click on “Create, Save & Edit My Own UDL Lesson Plans” and begin constructing single lesson for a specific grade level focusing on either reading/language arts or math only. Each respective portion of the plan is inserted by selecting “Edit” and are detailed below in the Part I Content Expectations. For more information on each part of the lesson plan, click on the “More Information” button located in the lesson plan builder.

Refer to:
Week 5 Assignment Template Part 2

Note: Not all parts of the lesson plan will be used. Read the Content Instructions below to ensure you complete each component that is required.

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