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Speech Communication Week 4 Discussion
Activity 1: Discussion
Context: Consider the impact that resulted from these distinctive and artful speeches:
· “I have a dream.” Martin Luther King, Jr. MLK Jr. knew he had to change both the hearts as well as the minds of the country. His grace, the rhythmic propulsion of his ideas, the quotes that he used are what memorable, life-changing speeches are made of. How many would people remember if MLK Jr’s speech was a series of complaints or legal threats?
· ” Mr. Gorbachev, Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall .” President Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan used four simple words to initiate one of the most significant political moments of all of time. His advisors argued against these four words and in favor of more ‘presidential’ language, but Reagan resisted and the result was an incredible speech.
Artful and Descriptive Speaking from
Description: Pick one of the following options and write a three paragraph summary of the content. Tell your classmates why you chose the speech you did and what the speaker did to grab your attention and hold it.
How to Embed a YouTube Video in a PowerPoint Presentation”; a tutorial:
· “Tim Berniers-Lee: The Year Open Data Went Worldwide”; _open_data_went_worldwide.html
· “Harsha Bogle: The Rise of Cricket, the Rise of India” _of_cricket_the_rise_of_india
· “PowerPoint 2013: Slide Basics”; a tutorial on PowerPoint:
· “Life After Death by PowerPoint 2012 by Don McMillan”; PowerPointless. amusing routine:
· “Hal Varian at RSS 2012 Conference: Statistics at Google”; terrible use of PowerPoint slides:
· “Jamie Oliver: Teach Every Child About Food”; check out the impressive visual aid Oliver uses at 13 minutes into his speech. See his TED talk at:
Delivery: This post will be due Wednesday at midnight.