Trident DOC640 2019 October Module 1 Case & Slp Latest

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DOC640 Case Study and Action Research

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Module 1 Case


Case Assignment

Find an example of case study research work for critical analysis.  The case study work may be a book, journal article, a dissertation, or technical report on a topic of interest.  You will make the best use of your time if you choose a study that relates to a topic you might be interested in studying in depth in your Doctoral Study project as proposed in the SLP.  In a 6-page essay, address the following questions:

Why is this classified as a case study? Is it a descriptive, explanatory, or exploratory study?

Identify the four key components of the research design:

What is the research question?

What propositions are suggested?

What is the unit of analysis?

How is the data linked to the propositions?

Identify the theoretical framework for the study and assess the quality of the study in terms of validity and reliability.

Assignment Expectations

Your 6-page essay must follow APA formatting and demonstrate clarity, depth, and critical thinking. As you answer the questions posed in this case, include supporting rationale and cited sources.

The assignment will be assessed using the Case Study Rubric.


DOC640 Case Study and Action Research

Module 1 SLP


 The Doctoral Study

This SLP will span the first 5 modules of the course.  You will start thinking about a topic for your Doctoral Study and how you might go about conducting the study.  Don’t worry that the topic you choose at this early date will obligate you to keep that topic when it comes time to begin your research.  It can, and probably will change and evolve as you grow in your understanding and knowledge throughout the doctoral program.

Here we provide the big picture of what you will put together throughout the course.  Note that the “deliverables” are listed for each module.

In thinking about a possible topic for your Doctoral Study, consider the following questions:

Module 1:  What phenomenon do I want to know more about? Drill down a little – what do I want to know, specifically? Why do I want to know this? What skills do I have that I bring to my doctoral study research on this topic?  Do I have any biases or pre-conceived ideas about what I might find if I studied this phenomenon?  How sure am I? (2-3 pages).

Module 2:  Have I done any reading on this topic?  Do I know how much research has been done concerning this topic? Find and skim 5 or 6 articles/dissertations, books that relate to research conducted on this topic.  What theoretical bases do these studies employ?  What would my study add to this body of research? (3-4 pages)

Module 3:  How would I classify the appropriate study design (explanatory, descriptive, etc.)? Describe how you would classify your design and explain the rationale for your design choice. Briefly discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the approach. (2-3 pages)

Module 4:  What kind of data would I need for my doctoral research and why?  Where could I obtain it?  How would I approach gaining access to the data? How would I analyze it? (2-3 pages)

Module 5:  The Problem/Puzzle

Write up a 4-page mini-proposal for the Doctoral Study you are thinking about doing at this point in time.

The tentative title of your study

Explain what is driving your interest in your research topic.

Define the problem have you identified that your research might address or help resolve.

What puzzle about your area of interest do you want to solve?

Propose a set of RQ’s (5-10) which you will eventually reduce to 1 or 2.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Although the SLP is a less formal document than a case study, it is expected that you follow APA convention at the doctoral level. Also, although you are asked for your opinion, remember that it is good practice to avoid writing in the first person. Instead, focus on stating the facts as you perceive them to be while writing in the third person—and cite supporting sources.

This assignment will be assessed by the SLP Rubric.

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