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Termination – How will you consider your clients’ experiences
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- Think ahead about the processes you will go through to terminate treatment with your clients at the end of the quarter.
- How will you consider your clients’ experiences with endings, as you plan for your own termination with them?
- How will you assist your clients to make a transition to a new counselor, or make plans for other services or resources they may need after they end their therapy with you?
- Think of the relationships that have ended in your own life.
- In what ways might these terminations affect the closure of your cases?
- How will you prepare to address any feelings or countertransference issues that emerge during termination with any of your clients?
- Are there any rituals or other specific interventions that you might include as part of the termination process?
- How do these interventions align with the theoretical approach you are using with these clients?
- How will you know if they are effective?