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SPD 510 WK 4 Assignment
The Individualized Education Program (IEP)
An important part of a special education teacher’s job is to write effective IEPs for their students. There are many different components involved in the IEP. The special education teacher must be able to write all components of the IEP to be individualized to each student’s unique needs.
Review the “Individualized Education Program (IEP) Template.” Based on the “Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance,” complete the highlighted sections for Lesley’s IEP to include:
- Additional documentation or consideration of special factors
- Three measurable IEP goals
- Accommodations
- Special education services to be provided
- Least restrictive environment
In addition, beneath the IEP template write a 500-750 word rationale for your decisions in the highlighted sections of the IEP.
Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFP) Example
Summarize Special Education Services the Student is Receiving:
Lesley was receiving special education services in math calculation, math problem solving, and written expression under the specific learning disability eligibility.
Section 2: Evaluation Information
This information loads from the Most Recent MET. Lesley’s strengths are in Reading. She also has good attendance.
This information loads from the Most Recent MET. Lesley has needs in the areas of math computation, math problem solving, and written expression.
This information loads from the Most Recent MET. Other conclusions here may include information related to language proficiency.
The general review of all data would be presented here by the psychologist. The general review
of all data would be presented here by the special education teacher.
This information loads from the Most Recent MET. The areas of math and writing will affect Lesley’s progress in the general curriculum.
Areas of Eligibility:
Special Education Primary Category: Specific learning disability
For students with SLD only, the following area(s) of eligibility was previously determined:
Written expression, mathematics calculation, mathematics problem solving
Section 3: Present Level of Academic Achievement
Lesley enjoys reading and is always reading a book for a leisure activity.
Specific scores from reading assessments or AIMS results can be entered here as well.
Lesley needs to improve her reading out loud in a group setting.
Lesley does not need any accommodations in reading.
Lesley’s handwriting is very legible, but she does not enjoy writing. She does very well with organizing how an assignment should be set up with graphic organizers and outlines.
Specific scores from writing assessments or AIMS results can be entered here as well.
Lesley needs to improve her writing in the areas of answering questions in complete sentences and completing the required amount (words or pages) for written assignments.
Specific scores from writing assessments or AIMS results can be entered here as well.
Lesley’s only accommodation is that she receives some extra time for completing written assignments/assessments.
Lesley does very well with basic math skills and algebra.
Specific scores from math assessments or AIMS results can be entered here as well.
Lesley has a hard time comprehending geometry and the postulates required.
Specific scores from math assessments or AIMS results can be entered here as well.
Lesley has completed her math class in geometry, so this year in algebra, she should do well and not require any accommodations or modifications.
Parent’s Input on Student’s Current Academic Achievement:
Lesley’s parents are very satisfied with her current academic achievement. They are happy that she is getting good grades in all her subjects with little support.
Current Classroom-Based Data:
All of Lesley’s teachers enjoy having her in class, she does complete assignments in a timely manner and never overextends her allowed extra time.
Math teacher reports, “Lesley should do just fine in algebra this year, after reviewing her pre-test.”
English teacher reports, “Lesley completes all assignments in a timely manner and is currently receiving a B+.”
Science teacher reports, “If Lesley needs any assistance in class this year, I will be available and notify her service coordinator of any issues, so far this year, she is doing well and receiving a B.”
World history teacher reports, “Lesley currently has an A- in my class.”
Child development teacher reports, “Lesley loves this class and is always wanting to do extra things for the class, she currently has an A.”
Study skills teacher reports, “Lesley shows up on time and is ready to complete her homework for her other classes. Other students in the classroom sometimes distract Lesley, but she has been able to keep her behavior in check so far this year.”
State and District Assessments:
Lesley is approaching the standard in reading. In math and writing, she is falling far below the standard on the AIMS Assessment.
Section 4: Functional Performance
Social Emotional and Behavior:
Lesley follows direction well from teachers and adults.
Lesley exhibits inappropriate behavior with friends and classmates at times. She can be easily distracted and then she becomes upset when she misses information, resulting in a conflict with either the teacher or a classmate.
Lesley is able to recognize when she gets anxious and upset, so per her Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP), Lesley is able to leave the classroom to “cool down.” She may either go to the hall, after telling the teacher and getting a pass (pre-made), or go to her service coordinator, counselor, or principal.
Since the BIP has been set up, her attendance to classes where conflict existed has increased. She does not have any tardies at this time. Her time outs are self-monitored.
Behavior does significantly and adversely affect the progress in the general curriculum.
Counselor Notes:
Lesley has come to see me on two occasions this past year to “cool down.” Each time she was able to explain the situation that upset her and together we talked through solutions that she then carried out.
Physical Development:
Lesley’s only health concern is her asthma, which can, at times, limit her ability to participate in physical activity. She takes medication for both asthma and depression. The depression medication can sometimes make her feel drowsy. Lesley should have no needs in this area.
Lesley can communicate well verbally, she struggles with oral presentations in front of a group.
Parent’s Input on Student’s Current Functional Achievement:
Lesley’s parents are impressed with Lesley’s functional achievement as it relates to behavior. Since the BIP has been established, understood by Lesley and her teachers, her days at school have been a lot better.
Student expressed an interest in the following career areas:
Lesley is interested in either teaching or counseling as a profession.
Student’s job preference at this time is:
Lesley currently works in the district based preschool program as an assistant to the teacher.
Independent Living Skills:
Lesley is able to take care of herself and others. She has her driver’s license and has her own car for transportation. She has a bank account where she deposits her checks. She currently monitors her own medications for depression/anxiety.
Environmental Access/Mobility:
Lesley has adequate access to her community. She is involved in her church and helping out in the Sunday school classes with preschool aged children.
Self-Determination/Self-Advocacy Skills:
Lesley is fairly assertive, she seems to say “yes” to every request, and then overwhelms herself at times. She needs to work on communication with adults and employers.
Sources of information regarding transition:
Student Interview; Work Experience
Summary of Work Habits:
Lesley attends a study skills class daily that allows her the opportunity to complete homework, organize her agenda and ask the teacher questions related to homework and her goals. She also can work on the computer in this class and research careers and interests.
Lesley learns best in a classroom environment with activities that she can see and work on independently or in a group setting.
She can use a computer well and uses her agenda daily to help her organize school and work.
Test taking can require a little extra time for Lesley.
Section 5: Summary of Educational Needs
Based on the information from the current multidisciplinary evaluation, academic achievement, functional performance, and transition based data (if applicable), the IEP team has determined that the student has educational needs in the following areas:
Math calculation, math problem solving, written expression, counseling
Clarification: Math calculation and math reasoning services will not be provided for Lesley this year, as the team has agreed that she has completed the math class and that she struggles with geometry. If any needs arise, an IEP addendum can be prepared to accommodate her with these areas.