Reporting Standardized Test Results – Analyze how test scores are interpreted

Apr 3, 2024

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Reporting Standardized Test Results

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Reporting Standardized Test Results – Analyze how test scores are interpreted
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Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to analyze how test scores are interpreted and used to report student progress and program effectiveness.


***This assignment includes two parts.

Part 1:

  1. Using the attached Double Bubble Map, explain the differences and common characteristics between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced tests.
  • Double bubble map  

Part 2:

  1. Select two forms of results from a test (From your book or provided by the professor in the module outline)
  2. Discuss what they mean
  3. What are the student’s strengths and areas for growth?
  4.  Make recommendations for instruction
  5. What are some effective practices you would use when reporting test results to parents?
  6. What are some issues you might foresee with reporting test results to parents?

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