REGIS NU643 2021 January Week 9 Discussion Latest

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Week 9 Discussion

Harold or Greg ADHD Case Study

Initial Post

View the following case study videos and choose one for your discussion post:

Harold Case Study Video

Harold Case Study Video Transcript

Greg Case Study Video

Greg Case Study Video Transcript

You will need to use the following log-in information to access this video (all case sensitive):

Username: Nursing

Password: 0908

Answer the following questions and post to this discussion forum:

What symptoms of ADHD does your patient present with?

What are other possible causes of his symptoms?

What further information, if any, would you like about this case?

With the assumption that the patient does have ADHD, what medication would you prescribe (list name and dose)? Why?

List any relevant safety information and screening (labs, etc) related to your medication choice.

Your initial post should be in APA format with evidence-based references to support your statements.

Reply Posts

Read your peers’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers. In your post, critique your peers responses by answering the following questions:

Compare your peers plan to yours – what are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Is there any decision-making with which you disagree?

Your response should include evidence of review of the course material through proper citations using APA format.

Please refer to the Grading Rubric for details on how this activity will be graded.

The described expectations meet the passing level of 80%. Students are directed to review the Discussion Grading Rubric for criteria which exceed expectations.

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