Public Health in the News

Apr 13, 2024

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Public Health in the News

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Public Health in the News
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There are two goals for this assignment: (1) To raise your awareness of public health endeavors covered by the media; (2) To help practice writing Public Health Nurse (PHN) interventions, identifying primary, secondary, tertiary prevention goals, and using the Minnesota Department of Health Public Health Interventions Wheel.

Refer to Assessment Tool on page 599 in 6th edition of textbook, or Appendix C, pp. 594-605 in 5th edition of textbook (Foundations for Population Health in Community/Public Health Nursing, by Stanhope & Lancaster).

Each student will locate a recent article on a public health issue from a current print media such as a newspaper or magazine (examples: Times-Union Jacksonville-or any other local paper, New York Times, CNN, USA Today, Newsweek, Time Magazine). Instructions for completing this assignment:

1.            What is the public health issue/problem(s) addressed in the article?

2.            Was the information presented in the article reliable (i.e., based on reliable, evidenced based, medical/public health facts/information) and how determined?

3.            Why is the article relevant to public health nurses and all nurses?

Include copy of article reviewed, or link to the article.

Search entries or author               

(https:  Erin Kelly (https:/   ?

Jan 19, 2023

News article link embedded in the reference page.

Public Health in the News.docx (https:/


(https    Tenisha Paige (https:/

Great post, Erin. I also believe that intervention to specific high risk areas to provide education and conversation would be helpful. I think the best way to intervene as public health nurses is to get involved with community and have the uncomfortable conversations. I did public health nursing once and I enjoyed the conversation and feedback from citizens in the community.

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