PC4003 Parts – The Vital Role of the Arts in the Lives of Young Children

Apr 4, 2024

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PC4003 Parts – The Vital Role of the Arts in the Lives of Young Children
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For this Performance Task, you will create a PowerPoint and script  for a presentation that explains the vital role the creative arts play  in children’s healthy development and learning.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.

The Vital Role of the Arts in the Lives of Young Children

Scenario: As the director of a child development center that serves  children from preschool through third grade, you are in the unique  position of offering multi-age classroom settings that provide  child-centered learning and teaching based on developmentally  appropriate practice. You love your job and have relished, throughout  the years, the keen ability of your program to offer not only a unique  environment steeped in effective practice but also a program that  doesn’t rush children to achieve in standardized ways. Lately however,  some of the families and a few of the board members have been  challenging the program’s philosophy. In specific, they are questioning  why so much of children’s time and so many experiences are related to  the creative arts. With a public awareness that science, math, and  language arts are key content areas in other schools, you have been  challenged to justify this feature of your program in particular.  Actually, you are looking forward to explaining why the arts are vital  to children’s healthy development and learning. You’ve called a meeting  to present your thinking and the response has been terrific. You will  have a full house!

As a first step, you created an outline on which you will base your presentation.

To complete this assignment:

 Use the following outline to create a PowerPoint presentation with a script in the notes section in the Arts and Young Children PowerPoint Presentation Template 

  • sentation Template

Part 1: The Vital Role of the Arts in the Lives of Young Children (1 slide) 

  • Introduce the presentation by explaining the vital role the creative  arts play in healthy development and learning of young children  including hands-on participation and being exposed to professional  performances.

Part 2: Visual Arts (Approximately 6–8 slides)


  • How young children benefit from being involved in the visual arts
  • Stages of development
  • How the following principles related to the visual arts foster young children’s creativity: 
    • Art for Art’s Sake
    • Product vs. Process
    • Art Belongs to the Child
    • A Climate of Acceptance
  • Goals of developmentally appropriate art education for young children
  • Insights, cautions, and/or suggestions

Part 3: Music (Approximately 6–8 slides)


  • How young children benefit from being involved with music
  • Stages of development
  • Child-led music making
  • Goals for developmentally appropriate music education for young children
  • Insights, cautions, and/or suggestions

Part 4: Creative Movement (Approximately 6–8 slides)


  • How young children benefit from creative movement
  • Stages of development
  • The relationship between creative movement, mind-body connection, and healthy development and learning
  • Goals of developmentally appropriate creative movement and dance for young children
  • Insights, cautions, and/or suggestions

Part 5: Creative Drama (Approximately 6–8 slides)


  • Pretend and socio-dramatic play and their benefits to young children 
    • Insights, cautions, and/or suggestions
  • Creative drama and its benefits to young children 
    • Goals for developmentally appropriate creative drama for young children
    • Insights, cautions, and/or suggestions


Cite at least five resources you consulted to create your presentation.

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