OSH2305 Unit 3 – Driver Safety, During your annual screenings

Dec 22, 2024

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Driver Safety

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OSH2305 Unit 3 – Driver Safety, During your annual screenings
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OSH2305 Unit 3 Case Study

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During your annual screenings, you find out that 39% of your drivers have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. This number shocks you, and you want to do something about it because you do not need to have any of the drivers blacking out from a diabetic reaction (i.e., insulin deficiency) while driving. You also want to keep these numbers from rising, so you need to look at health education or possibly incentive programs for employees to improve their food choices and overall fitness.


Your two goals for this case study are to come up with a plan to help employees who already have diabetes and to come up with a healthy lifestyle fitness plan for all company employees. Explain the benefits and potential costs associated with your plans. You can decide on the size of the company that you are operating. You are encouraged to think outside the box in coming up with solutions. It may help to research what some leading transportation companies have done. Companies outside of the transportation industry may also have plans, so do not simply limit yourself to researching fleet operators.

Your completed case study should be at least two pages in length (not including the Title and Reference pages) and include at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. You must use APA Style to create citations and references for this assignment.

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