NR632 2021 January Week 6 Discussion Latest

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Week 6 Discussion

Collaboration Cafe: Closing the Project

The term closing for projects is a misnomer. Many times, the PM and/or the team were the champions of the change and you drove the passion and motivation. Far too many amazing projects revert back to the prior status quo not long after the PM team has moved onto their next project. Just because you and your team have done a great job in planning and executing the project and it was running well when you left, doesn’t mean that you can just assume it will continue successfully. How do we sustain the practice change that we sought to make? When you’re gone and onto your next project, what will happen to the one you just closed? What strategies have you put in place to ensure the long-term success and sustainability of your project? When you check back in after a year, what will it look like?

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