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NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 1 Discussion
Collaboration Café
Welcome to the Collaboration Cafe. The Nurse Tim Webinar this week was How to Succeed as a Nurse Educator in a Faculty Role presented by Dr. Diane Billings.
Discuss with your classmates, three key points from the webinar that will be instrumental in your success as a nurse educator.
Your instructor will be monitoring the Collaboration Café but not participating as this is your opportunity to give and receive feedback from your peers. The Collaboration Café is graded this week.(25 points). There are no scholarly references required in this discussion format. Please see the guidelines and grading rubric below.
Collaboration Cafe Guidelines and Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.)
In specific weeks of the course, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with your classmates in the Collaboration Cafe for a graded assignment. The point value of the weekly assignment can vary and will be identified on each Collaboration Café assignment. The Collaboration Cafe is an interactive process between the students; faculty involvement in the Café will be minimal; however, faculty will monitor this section for compliance and clarification.
In the graded Collaboration Cafe, students are expected to post their initial response and then interact with a least two different classmates during the week for a total of three (3) postings per week.
The student must post to the initial question by Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. MT, of each week. If the student does not provide a post to the initial question before the Wednesday deadline, 5 points are deducted in which late entry occurs. Subsequent posts, including essential responses to peers, must occur by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT of each week. Postings for week eight (8) will end on Saturday at 11:59 pm MT. If the student does not post two responses to classmates by the end of the week, then 5 points are deducted for peer interaction.
Scholarly references are not required in the Collaboration Cafe Discussion however proper grammar is expected. Faculty may submit the discussion to TurnItIn in order to verify originality of work. Plagiarism will result in a zero for the week. Uncivil comments toward peers or faculty, in any of the posts, will not be tolerated and result in a zero for the week.
A substantive post will include:
Explaining of your opinion about the required topic.
Appling the concepts of the topic to your specific practice area
Debating with your classmates the pros and cons of your position regarding the topic.
Responding to classmates with an extended description instead of merely agreeing.
NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 1 Discussion
Nursing Education Goals
Think about your goal in nursing education (i.e., teaching in a pre-licensure program or an MSN program, or as a staff development specialist). Then review either (1) the Board of Nursing requirements for nursing faculty in your state (for an academic program), OR (2) the facility requirements for a healthcare setting. Based on your goals and these requirements, what additional knowledge, skills, and abilities do you need to be eligible to meet your goal and how will you achieve these knowledge, skills, and abilities?
Please post your answer and in the beginning identify the role you have chosen:
Academic Nurse Educator
Nursing Professional Development Specialist
NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 2 Discussion
Collaboration Café
Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning
This week, we started to look at various philosophies of teaching and learning. In Week 3, you will be asked to submit your Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning using a voice-over PowerPoint presentation. This week, start to write your philosophy of teaching and learning and post your initial philosophy. Then review two of your classmates’ philosophy statements and provide constructive feedback on their philosophy statements. Your instructor will be monitoring the Collaboration Cafe but not participating, because this is your opportunity to give and receive feedback from your peers. The Collaboration Cafe is graded this week (25 points). Please see the guidelines and rubric for more information.
NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 2 Discussion
Paradigm Shift
There has been an educational paradigm shift from a focus on teaching to learning. Consider the following statement in light of the shift from teaching to learning: “Teachers don’t fail students; students fail themselves.” Do you agree or disagree? Provide examples that support your position.
NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 3 Discussion
Cultural Competence Versus Humility
Explain the difference between cultural competence and humility. Give a specific example of how this is seen in your current position or how you would implement this in the nurse educator role.
NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 4 Discussion
Collaboration Café
In reviewing the four classroom management styles, think about these questions:
What sort of classroom management style will you exhibit once you begin teaching?
Which style is most consistent with your personality?
How might you work to achieve changes if you don’t like what you see?
Post your answers to these questions in the Collaboration Cafe and then discuss with your classmates how effective this style might be with various groups of students.
Your instructor will be monitoring the Collaboration Cafe but not participating as this is your opportunity to give and receive feedback from your peers. The Collaboration Cafe is graded this week (25 points). Please see the grading guidelines and rubric. Scholarly references are not required.
NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 5 Discussion
Collaboration Café
The NurseTim® Webinar this week was Innovative Ways to Engage Diverse Learners by Ms. Deck. Based on the webinar, the readings for the week, the lesson, and your individual research into didactic teaching strategies, and as Ms. Deck asked in the webinar, what is your secret talent that could make you a star? To put it another way, tell us what you believe will be your best attribute that you will bring to the didactic teaching environment.
The Collaboration Cafe is graded this week (25 points). Your faculty member will be participating in the discussion. Scholarly references are not required. Please see the guidelines and rubric for more information.
NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 6 Discussion
Ethical Rights of Students You have some concerns about one of the students in your class. You have a good friend who is a faculty member in the English Department, and you ask him to come to your private office to talk about the student. About 10 minutes into the conversation, you turn toward the door and see the specific student standing in your office doorway. Obviously, she has been listening to the conversation for a while. Have any legal or ethical rights of the student been breached? What would you do next?
NR535 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies for the Nurse Educator
Week 8 Discussion
The course is completed! Using reflective thinking skills, consider all of the aspects of this course: What have you learned in these past weeks, and how will this be applicable to your future practice? How will you use the concepts in this course to identify, guide, and evaluate the final MSN practicum project? Please see the guidelines and rubric for more information.