Kim Woods Only

Apr 3, 2024


Peer Review

This Assignment assesses the following course outcome:

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CE499-5: Ethics and Professionalism: Demonstrate use of professional standards, ethical values, critical inquiry, and advocacy practices of the Early Childhood field.(BSEC-5)

This Assignment also assesses the following Professional Competency:

PC 1.1: Engage in a team setting with professional integrity and respect.

This week, you will engage in a peer review with two of your classmates. Your instructor will assign your peer groups. At the beginning of the unit, e-mail your family and community newsletter to the members of your peer group. Use the peer review checklist below to provide feedback to both students in your peer group. In addition, use the Peer Review Worksheet located in Doc Sharing consisting of the items below, for both students to the Dropbox.

Peer Review Checklist

  1. What is your favorite aspect of this paper and why?
  2. Refer to the Family and Community Newsletter rubric in the Syllabus. Does the student address each prompt listed under “content?” In three or four sentences, summarize the purpose of the newsletter from a parent’s perspective. (Writers will use this information and compare your summary to the points they intended to communicate.)
  3. Looking carefully, find at least one confusing section. This may be a word, sentence, punctuation issue, or general display of information. Describe where the sections are and explain why they are confusing.
  4. Examine the structure of the newsletter, including its layout, use of font, and visual appeal. Offer one suggestion to improve the aesthetic appeal, clarity, or organization of the newsletter.
  5. Consider effective strategies to build parent and community partnerships and analyze your peer’s newsletter within this context. Did you find that this paper aligns with what you have learned about building strong parent and community partnerships? Discuss one area of strength or needed improvement related to these topics.
  6. Feel free to make any additional comments here.

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