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Journal 6
In addition to the material in the module about the events leading to the 19th Amendment and women’s suffrage, the National Endowment for the Humanities offers a feature page Links to an external site. dedicated to the collaboration of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony in the women’s rights movement.
An account of the trial Links to an external site. is available at the Library of Congress. You can also review the official full handwritten transcript Links to an external site. . (It’s a bit hard to read, but fascinating even just to take a glimpse at.)
Another comprehensive web resource is posted by the Federal Judicial Center: Links to an external site. Navigate to the ‘Media and Press Coverage’ section to skim some of the contemporary response to Anthony’s trial. The whole web resource is basically a digital textbook used for teaching the legal ramifications of the trial.
React to what the trial of Susan B. Anthony reveals about attitudes towards women and women’s suffrage after the U. S. Civil War.