HARPER ART105 2019 June Journal Good Art Revisited Latest

Sep 29, 2024

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HARPER ART105 2019 June Journal Good Art Revisited Latest
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Journal: Good Art Revisited

Journal assignments are designed to facilitate critical thinking about issues related to art.

For your first journal assignment at the beginning of the semester (Module 2), you were asked to consider the following question:

What qualities make for a good work of art?

For your final journal assignment, revisit your original answer. Have any of your ideas changed as a result of this course? Have your definitions of “good” art narrowed or expanded? If so, in what ways? Refer to specific artworks you have learned about this semester in your answer.

Requirements: Your journal entry should be a minimum of 300 words long. Include your image in digital format in your journal response. Your writing must be proofread for errors and spell checked. Students who have obviously not proofread and/or spell checked their entries or have not followed the above instructions will lose points.

How to hand-in your work:  Click the “Good Art Revisited” link above. Type your name in the “Comments” field and attach your work as a Word document file. (Be sure the file name contains your last name as part of it.) If you do not have Microsoft Word, you may copy and paste your work into the “Comments” box. Click “Submit” to hand in your work.

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