Essay 2

Apr 3, 2024


Two Program Essays: Each essay should be one page maximum, double-spaced.

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  • Program Essay 1: Describe a unique perspective or skill set you have or a life experience. Articulate how it might benefit your potential classmates, enhance discourse in the classroom, and/or contribute to the NYU communicative sciences and disorders community.
  • Program Essay 2: Based on what you have learned about our MS program in Communicative Sciences and Disorders while exploring this degree, please name two faculty members whose research or fieldwork you are most interested in and why.

I had no idea what speech pathology was, I initially wanted to be a nurse but after I had my daughter I couldn’t stomach being a nurse anymore. So I searched and searched to try and find something that intrigued me. One day I babysat my nephew and women came over, I thought it was for tutoring but when they went into the therapy session I found myself sitting by them really into the session. Once there session ending the questions just flew out of my mouth. Asking what was she working on, what type of field she studied, how long did she study, etc. that night I found myself doing research all night and I knew that’s what I wanted to do. Being able to help people communicate is an honor in my eyes. I like the variety of the field. Being able to practice in a school, hospital, at home health, etc.


  • Dr. Adam Buchwald (lab webpage)
    • Speech and language production in aphasia, apraxia, and unimpaired speakers
    • Relationship between speech motor control and phonological processing
    • Written language processing in aphasia
    • Speech perception and its relationship to production
  • Dr. Maria Grigos (lab webpage)
    • Speech motor development
    • Childhood apraxia of speech (CAS)
    • Development and disorders of articulation and phonology
    • Craniofacial anomalies
  • Dr. Harriet Klein 
    • Phonological acquisition and disorders
    • Language acquisition and disorders
    • Production of vocalic and consonantal ‘r’
    • Perception of authentic and distorted ‘r’ production
  • Dr. Susannah Levi (lab webpagemain page)
    • Perception of linguistic and talker information in speech
    • Relationship between talker processing, working memory, and linguistic processing
    • Development of talker processing in children with both typical and impaired language development
  • Dr. Tara McAllister Byun
    • Articulatory and perceptual influences on phonological development
    • Residual/persistent speech sound errors
    • Biofeedback intervention for speech sound disorders
  • Dr. Sonja Molfenter (lab webpagemain page)
    • Healthy swallowing
    • Dysphagia assessment
    • Dysphagia treatment
    • Presbyphagia
    • Videofluoroscopy
  • Dr. Christina Reuterskiold
    • The relationship between oral and written language
    • Working memory and language skills in children
    • Childrens’ narrative skills
  • Dr. Diana Sidtis (lab webpage
    • Neurolinguistics
    • Right hemisphere functions
    • Aphasia
    • Acoustics of normal and disordered speech
    • Voice perception and prosody
    • Nonliteral language
    • Special cases in speech and language dysfunction


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