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Module 10
EDU 235 Chapter 9 Test
Short Answer
1. What is meant by the statement “The physical environment should be developmentally appropriate”?
2. Some child care programs include children between the ages of 10 and 13. How can space be provided to meet their needs?
3. Sharing outdoor space with others can be a challenge. How can child care staff members make it work?
4. State two ways a developmentally appropriate environment can provide places where children can enhance their cognitive skills.
5. During middle childhood, peer relationships and a sense of belonging to a group are important. How can you design a space to foster those needs?6. The text suggests that you consider the characteristics of the group of children before you design the environment. What characteristics are important?
7. List three things to consider when planning the overall design of indoor space.
8. How can you provide high spaces as well as low ones in the indoor environment?
9. If your program includes club activities, how would you arrange a place for the children?
10. Suggest some places for parents in the design of the environment.