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NUR4837 Healthcare Policy, Advocacy, and the Political Process
Unit 2 Assignment 1
Influencing policy at the community level
Sphere of influence: The Community
Choose one of the two options to explore how to impact one’s community. Have fun with this ~ Be creative! Explore the literature and support your ideas with scholarly sources/supporting literature.
This should be a 1-2 page paper with at least 2 references that support your ideas.
CHOICE 1: You are completing a clinical rotation in a small community agency that provides services to pregnant women or women with children under the age of 3 in an urban area of the southern United States. The racial composition of the community is 78.1% white, 9.6 % African American, 8.0% Hispanic, 0.3% American Indian/Alaska Native, 2.0% Asian, and 2.0% other.
In 2009, 110,800 women of child-bearing age resided in the county with 5,300 total births.
Recently you and your fellow students learned that current statistics for the county reveal that from 2016 to 2018, the infant mortality (number of deaths per 1000 live births) rate was 8.2%; an increase from 6.5% in 2005-2007. For African Americans, the rates were 10.0% in 2015 to 2017 and increased to 14.4% in 2016 to 2018.
The local Healthy Start agency confirms that these data are accurate for the community. In fact, based on a review of deaths by the coroner, in the last year, the major causes of neonatal and infant demise were low birth weight, babies sleeping in bed with an adult (roll over/unintentional deaths), and SIDS.
Task: You and your peers decide to take action. With the assistance of the staff from the agency and your nursing faculty, you decide to develop a community awareness campaign.
1. Name your campaign.
2. Identify community partners to help with your campaign.
3. Identify the stakeholders.
4. Name the resources you will need.
5. Establish a task list.
6. Assign responsibilities.
7. Define a timeline.
8. Describe an evaluation process ( you may want to review some ways healthcare organizations evaluate implementing change).
You will be evaluated on:
1. Your ability to creatively engage the interest of the community by the name of the campaign……………………………………………..…..10 pts
2. Your understanding of the community partners and stakeholders needed to ensure success of your cause …………………………….30 pts
3. Your ability to cite the extent of the resources needed and the time frame to develop the community awareness campaign…..20 pts
4. Your knowledge of the steps involved in evaluating the success of your campaign or what is needed to improve in the future..40 pts
Task: You are going to design a health system that addresses a specific health care problem and implements a significant component of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). (For this assignment, you may incorporate Box 13-2, “Six Drivers of High Performance Health Care Systems” into your responses.)
1. Choose a health care problem.
2. Choose a community, or select an age group most impacted by the problem.
3. Design a Medical Home (Health Home) for patients identified in #2.
4. Who is the current primary care provider and why?
5. Who is the primary care provider in your Medical Home (Health Home) and why?
6. What specialists currently are needed, and what is the accessibility?
7. How will specialists be handled in your Medical Home (Health Home)?
8. How is access to medical information currently handled?
9. How will you ensure that clients have easy access to medical information in your Medical Home (Health Home)?
10. How will you inform the community about your Medical Home (Health Home)?
11. Who are the stakeholders you need to get on board?
12. What opposition do you project will occur with the opening of the Medical Home (Health Home)?
You will be evaluated on:
1. Your choice/development of a health care problem…………………………………….………………………………………….20 pts
2. Your ability to choose a community or select an age group most impacted by the problem………….…..20 pts
3. Your creativity to design a Medical Home (Health Home) for pts identified in #2 & to determine the following: …40 pts
• The current primary care provider and why you identified that person
• The primary care provider you select for Medical Home (Health Home) and why
• The specialists currently needed and the accessibility to the specialists
• How the specialists will be handled in your Medical Home (Health Home)
• How the access to medical information is currently handled
• How you will ensure that clients have easy access to medical information in your Medical Home (Health Home)
4. Your ability to engage the community by determining the following: ………………………………….. 40 points
• How you will inform the community about your Medical Home (Health Home)
• The stakeholders you need to get on board
• The opposition you project to opening the Medical Home (Health Home)