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Early Child Education
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Early Child Education – Four children talk about a garbage
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This discussion will give you some practice in applying observation to planning.
- View any one of these videos.
Four children talk about a garbage truckLinks to an external site.
Real conversations at a pretend lunchLinks to an external site.
Praptee at the breakfast tableLinks to an external site.
2-Select any one child from the video and use what you observe to describe another experience you might plan for them based on what you saw.
- What you observed (just focus on the “ah ha” moment where you noticed something to build upon, you don’t have to describe the entire clip)
- The skill you would target based on what you observed
- A learning opportunity or materials set up that would build upon or provide practice in the skill identified
- Your response should be no less than one paragraph in length (4-6 sentences), in complete sentences and utilize college level writing.