DQ 1,2 – Identify and define one account that would typically be found

Oct 2, 2024

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Topic 1 DQ 1

Identify and define one account that would typically be found on a balance sheet and one account that would typically be found on an income statement. Cite any references used. Participate in follow-up discussion by reviewing your classmates’ posts, adding additional information, asking questions, or responding to follow-up questions posed by your instructor. 

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DQ 1,2 – Identify and define one account that would typically be found
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Topic 1 DQ 2

Explain a scenario whereby you might use the financial information found in the balance sheet or income statement of a company. This could be at your current or prior job, as part of a future business venture, or as an investor. Cite any references used. Participate in follow-up discussion by reviewing your classmates’ posts, adding additional information, asking questions, or responding to follow-up questions posed by your instructor.

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