Discussion 1,2 – Developing a Conceptual or Theoretical Framework

Dec 10, 2024

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Discussion 1

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Discussion 1,2 – Developing a Conceptual or Theoretical Framework
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Every dissertation needs to have a theoretical foundation and/or a conceptual framework discussion in the literature review section. The theoretical framework will be the lens (perspective) through which you evaluate your research problem and research questions. While a theoretical framework is typically required for quantitative studies, a conceptual framework can be used in qualitative studies. Yet, both theoretical and conceptual frameworks can be used for either quantitative or qualitative studies, depending on the theorist.

You may find it helpful to review some completed dissertations, as you did in Week 6, to gain thoughts and ideas.

Write a substantiated 250- to 300-word response to the following:

· State your updated problem statement.

· State a theory and/or concept that is applicable to your research and explain how that theory or concept would frame your research.


Discussion 2

Consider the significance or importance of your study using the SPL Model as a foundation.

Write a 250- to 300-word response to the following:

· How might your study be significant for the scholarly community?

· How might your study be significant for practitioners in your field of study?

· How might your study be significant for leaders in your field of study?

Be sure to substantiate your discussion using peer-reviewed literature and provide proper citations and references according to APA guidelines.

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