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After watching the Stanford Prison Experiment video and reading the material:
1. Discuss whether or not this was actually an experiment (e.g., was there an hypothesis, an independent variable, or any of the other requirements of a well controlled experiment).
2. How was this situation similar to real life and how was it not?
3. Based on, “Stanford Prison Experiment,” address two questions below.
a) What police procedures are used during arrests, and how do these procedures lead people to feel confused, fearful, and dehumanized?
b) What prevented “good guards” from objecting or countermanding the orders from tough or bad guards?
c) If you were a prisoner, would you have been able to endure the experience? What would you have done differently than those subjects did? If you were imprisoned in a “real” prison for five years or more, could you take it?
d) After the study, how do you think the prisoners and guards felt when they saw each other in the same civilian clothes again and saw their prison reconverted to a basement laboratory hallway?