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NR702 DNP Project & Practicum I
Week 4 Discussion
Assessment of the Organizational Setting of the DNP Project
Welcome to our Week Four Collaborative Discussion! Please use the NR702 Week 4 Guided Study Worksheet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. template to complete this discussion. In week 4, students will discuss how organizational need for the DNP project intervention was established. What organizational leaders (include their professional titles only) did you dialogue with? Provide a summarization of the conversation(s) you had with the organizational leaders. Students will also discuss Organizational Support for their DNP Project and intervention and describe how organizational support was confirmed. This week, students will also discuss, Barriers and Facilitators for their DNP project, the Project Schedule, Resources Needed to plan and conduct the DNP project, Project Manager Role, and Plans for Sustainability. Follow the guided Study worksheets to ensure that you include all of the detailed information for each section. Information from each guided study worksheet is included in the Week 4 assignment rubric and the week 6 assignment rubric.
Prior to posting your Weekly Worksheets to the Collaborative Discussion forum, submit the document to the Drop-Off Essay Review through Make any needed changes to your paper based on the feedback you receive from the tutoring service. Remember, it can take up to 24 hours to receive feedback from, so be sure to submit your draft to early enough so that you will be able to incorporate feedback, make revisions, and post your assignment to the Collaborative Discussions on time.
Paste the content of the worksheet into the collaborative discussion. The week 4 worksheet will be included in the week proposal submitted.
Review your colleagues’ posts and attached Guided Study Worksheets. Provide content-rich feedback regarding the development of their DNP Project proposals.