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LAS432 Technology, Society, and Culture
Week 6 Team Discussion
This week you will complete your team draft assignment. To help promote collaboration and support your team members, you will post your revised individual draft for review by your team. Share in these posts your portion to date to get feedback beyond your team. Only one of you per team needs to do so–provide us with a single, combined file from your unified team’s entire Week 5 draft. Getting more “eyes” on what you all have done so far may help with a fresh perspective, insights, suggestions, and Q+A.
Keep in mind my previous advice to expand, edit, or experiment with the course impacts in the Course Project Overview as needed to enhance your sub-topics and their fit overall. Please preface your draft with a brief summary of key points and any issues you would like assistance with. Response posts should provide a cohesive review of the draft.
Remember, your teamwork is important to both your individual and collective success so be sure to provide thoughtful and detailed feedback. This week’s more supplementing what you’ve already been doing in working together. Keep in mind what visuals will enhance both the final draft and the final presentation, as you continue to move forward.