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After reading the two texts about differentiated classrooms… See others attached
Consider the following when writing this and use APA style :
? Define Differentiated Instruction in your own words. ? What is a key component that helps shape a differentiated classroom, and why is it important? ? Briefly describe and/or detail one differentiated strategy you can use in your classroom to enhance your
instruction and share the purpose for using this strategy. ? What impact does and/or will differentiate instruction have on your instructional practice?
Criteria Grading Scale
Content 10 All key components of the DBF are answered. Major points are stated clearly and supported by good examples or thoughtful analysis. The candidate also responded to a at least one peer.
8 Most of the components of the DBF are answered. Major points are stated reasonably well and supported with good examples. The candidate also responded to a at least one peer.
6 The DBF is addressed minimally. Major points are unclear or confusing and they are not supported by examples or thoughtful analysis
0 Not Evident
Spelling and Grammer 5
Spelling and grammar are correct or there are 0-2 errors. Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Paragraphs vary in sentence structure.
4 Some (3-5) spelling and grammar errors. Sentences are presented well. Paragraphs contain some varied sentence structures.
2 Spelling and grammar errors are distracting to the reader. Sentences are incomplete or unclear. Paragraphs are poorly formed.
0 Not Evident
APA Format 5 Where applicable, references are cited in current APA format.
3 Where applicable, references are cited in current APA format with minor errors.
2 Where applicable, references are minimally cited or not cited in current APA format.