Data Analysis – As an administrator

Sep 3, 2024

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Data Analysis

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Data Analysis – As an administrator
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Using MS Excel, create a new workbook with the following  


As an administrator, you recorded the requests  from different locations (i.e. a few states are listed)  in the sheet below, you may create your own sheet. You need to explain the collected data.  In the table below,  you have the requests against the locations.


  Software Installation requests Software Update requests Hardware  Installation requests

WV 23 12 15

MD 13 8 5

VA 17 4 6

DC 14 6 2

NY 7 4 1

FL 29 21 11






You can use any data gathering for your choice


Create at least 5 statistical functions and graphs relating to the data.


From the data discuss the trend (your conclusion, what does this data mean for your planning), You can use the question of  “What if… then”



Submit your week 7 work in w7_firstname_lastname.xlsx or w7_firstname_lastname.xls






Data Layout




Statistical functions and graph



Data Analysis Conclusion








Stretch Assignment: (I’d like to include this portion of the assignment in future classes. I ask that you give it a try and provide me a short summary on your thoughts of adding this to the class going forward!)


Macros are little recorded sessions of code changes in Excel. We know scripting as anything trigger or event based that is recurrent. I ask that you create a script in Excel by creating a Macro. Your macro should ZERO OUT all of the data in the table you are using. You can call the macro, StartOfTheDay. You would run this macro, say, when you arrived in the morning to enter new data into the tables and purge the data from the previous day. Give it a try! Remember save your file as a filename.xlsm (if it includes a macro). If you’d prefer a different macro, just let me know the pupose of your macro in the comments section of your submission.

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