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Daily Grade 8: More Documentation Practice
Purpose: The main purpose of this assignment is to continue practicing documentation skills.
Directions: Log on to Google Drive using your NSU credentials, and save a copy of this document there, renaming it DG8 JDoe *** (use your first initial and last name; replace the asterisks with your section code shown on Banner, such as XA1, XM, WWW or WW1). Complete the assignment, and share it with your instructor by the deadline shown on Canvas. Delete this paragraph and the one above it after you’ve read them both carefully; please leave the Daily Grade 8 title in place.
Part 1: Your report’s References page must use APA style bibliographic citations. Though using the Cite button to automatically generate bibliographic citations from library sources (see Using Our Library’s Citation Generator or p. 5 of the Library Database Research Tutorial) usually works well, you still have to check formatting.
Your task: In the white space beneath this paragraph, copy and paste at least two bibliographic citations (more is fine; I’ll check them all for correctness) for articles you plan to use in your report. Important: One article must have two authors, and another must have three or more. Then use the lettered list below to check and correct any formatting errors.
a. Check author name formatting. Author names should be written as Last, First initial (example: Jones, M.) in upper and lowercase, not all caps. Note that sometimes an author’s email address is listed, but it should be omitted.
b. Check the article’s title to make sure it’s in sentence case, which means only these words should be capitalized: the first word in the title, any proper words within the title, and the first word after a colon, semicolon, dash or question mark within the title), like this: This is the article’s title: Write it in sentence case.
c. Make sure the publication’s title (like Forbes or Journal of Business Ethics) is italicized and written in title case, which means all main words capitalized), like this: This Is the Publication’s Title: Write It in Title Case and Italicize It
d. Omit any unnecessary use of all caps (look for unnecessary all caps in the author’s name, article title, publication title, etc.).
e. Make sure the URL or doi appears at the end of the citation. If not, locate the Permalink (see p. 1 of Using Our Library’s Citation Generator or p. 5 of the Library Database Research Tutorial), and copy and paste it at the end of the citation.
f. Create a hanging indentation by selecting the bibliographic citation and then clicking Format–Align & indent–Indentation options; then under the Special heading, use the drop-down menu to select Hanging and then click Apply.
g. Make the font type and size match the other text in this document, which is Arial size 12. Also omit any gray shading that may have copied over by selecting all text, clicking on the Highlight color icon on the toolbar above (it looks like a marker), and selecting None.
h. Place all citations in alphabetical order according to the first word of the citation, leaving a blank line between each citation.
Part 1 points: /25
Part 2: Use two articles from Part 1 above to practice quoting, paraphrasing and documenting source material as you will do in your report. One article must have two authors and the other must have three or more authors. Follow the instructions beneath the bold headings below, leave the bold headings in place, and use the APA Handout on Canvas to help with documentation. Be sure to see the examples in that handout under the headings Examples citing a source with two authors and Example citing a source with three or more authors.
1) Original Sentence 1
Remove this sentence, and copy and paste a meaningful sentence in its place (one you might use in your report) from one of the Part 1 articles above. Avoid using a sentence that already has parenthetical/in-text documentation.
My sentence briefly quoting and paraphrasing the original sentence above:
Write a sentence of your own in the white space above that includes a brief quoted portion of the Original Sentence 1 you copied and pasted above (not the entire sentence), and paraphrase the rest (put the rest in your own words). Then add correct in-text documentation (author’s last name, year, page number), and erase these instructional sentences. Use the APA Handout to help you format and punctuate documentation details correctly.
2) Original sentence
Remove this sentence, and copy and paste a meaningful sentence in its place (one you might use in your report) from one of the Part 1 articles above. Avoid using a sentence that already has parenthetical/in-text documentation.
My sentence paraphrasing (not quoting) the original sentence above:
Write a sentence of your own in the white space above that includes only a paraphrase of the Original Sentence 2 above. In other words, write the original sentence in your words, being sure to accurately express its meaning, without quoting it. Then add correct in-text documentation (author’s last name, year, page number), and erase these instructional sentences. Again, use the APA Handout to help you format and punctuate documentation details correctly.
Part 2 points: /25