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Current Technological Resources ELM T3
The Internet provides information quickly and efficiently through a variety of platforms. The ability to efficiently filter and evaluate the abundant information is crucial.
For this assignment, select a grade level and choose a current STEM integrated topic that you would teach. Create a digital newsletter with hyperlinks to videos, websites, and valuable resources related to the STEM integrated topic. This digital newsletter will be given to families to inform them of the current technological tools and resources that will be implemented in the STEM classroom.
Your digital newsletter should include:
- Two videos that demonstrate instruction in a STEM classroom.
- Three examples of presentation tools used in a STEM classroom.
- Three informational websites with relevant information to help parents and families at home understand the STEM concept or reinforce the learning presented in class.
- Two examples of current technological resources and/or tools that students will use in the classroom.
Support your findings with a minimum of two scholarly resources