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This assignment has two parts. Complete both parts within one document and label them accordingly.
Part I:Research the court case ofUnited States v. Ressam. Explain the elements of the case, including the background, plaintiff’s arguments, defense’s arguments, and sentencing.
Part II:Compare Executive Order 13769United States v. Ressamcase. In doing so, answer the following three questions.
Do you believe a similar order in 2007 would have deterred Ressam from attempting to enter the United States? Why, or why not?
Do you believe that the act is a tool of counterterrorism or immigration control? Why, or why not?
Do you believe that the attempted incursion in 2007 was demonstrative based on religious beliefs? Why, or why not?
Your completed assignment must be at least three pages in length, not including a reference page. You are required to use the Executive Order 13769 and the trial transcript ofUnited States v. Ressam(2007) as sources. Additionally, you are encouraged to use the CSU Online Library for additional sources to support your analysis.
Include an introduction. In addition to text, you may also incorporate images into your response, but they do not count toward the page count. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA Style.
You may find it helpful to watch the following tutorial:How to Research Homeland Security Topics in the CSU Online Library.Transcript How to Research Homeland Security Topics in the CSU Library.