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Collective Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale for Elementary School Teachers
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3. Then, Participants will select TWO research articles to review.
Research Articles (choose 2) Collective Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale for Elementary School Teachers
- Organizational Socialization and Collective Teacher Efficacy: The Mediating Role of School Collaborative Culture
- Multi-tiered System of Supports as Collective Work: a (Re)structuring Option for M ion for Middle Schools
- Perceived Collective Teacher Efficacy in Low-Performing Schools
- The Principal’s Role in Developing Collective Teacher Efficacy: A Cross-Case Study of Facilitative Leadership
- Transformational School Leadership: Predictor of Collective Teacher Efficacy 3.
Individually, participants will use the summary Review Template to write a summary review of the TWO selected articles
Microsoft Word DocumentPLU article summary template.docx19 KBVIEW