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Climate Discussion
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Climate Discussion – Talk about climate change at a place
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Visit this website on Climate Change by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Links to an external site. to an external site.
- Talk about climate change at a place that you care about — could be your hometown, or a place where you’ve always wanted to visit (like Maldives! Links to an external site.) — What are some climate change indicators happening in the region? Any adaptation taking place in that region to alleviate the effects?
- In your opinion, what is the greatest risk to our society & health Links to an external site.from the many effects of climate change?
Visit this website showing actual global temperature data analysis by NASA; review the first graph of Global Annual Mean Surface Air Temperature Change from 1880 to present: to an external site.
**You will need to review the readings on “Significant Figures” in Appendix 1, on the back of your text book. (the page right after 518)**
- Look at the Y-axis, showing temperature anomaly. How many significant digits are reported in the temperature analysis?
- What does this say about the certainty in the measurements? Base your reason on your readings from Appendix 1 in your text book.