CHE6304 Unit 8 Reflection

Apr 13, 2024

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CHE 6304 Unit VIII

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Unit VIII Reflection Paper


Take a moment to reflect on public health and its purpose. If you were designing a workplace program, what would it include, and how would you motivate employees to use it? Be sure to consider all that you have learned throughout this course, including the following:

· health education planning

· the purposes of public health program sustainability tools

· factors that contribute to health outcomes

· the use of public health evaluation method findings

· ethical principles critical to community-based research and practice


Your reflection paper should be at least two pages in length. The content of your reflection should reflect the theories, concepts, and programs you have learned about in this course with a critique of methods presented and a presentation of new ideas for what would work specifically in your workplace community. APA citations and references should be used for all sources.

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