Chapter 11 – Development, sustainable development

Apr 13, 2024

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For this chapter the concepts I want you to write on are: From Chapter 11:  Development, sustainable development, Human development index (HDI) GDP and other measures, poverty, resiliency. Central place, Hinterland and dependency, new urbanism, Urban heirarchy, world city

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Chapter 11 – Development, sustainable development
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Each section requires at least two to three sentences, but not more than a long paragraph per item. You can always include a reference.

1. Definition:  What is it?   or also if it applies; Where is it?  What is going on?,  or How does this work?

2. Why is this important?

3. Elaboration: Lets hear more on this…. details, controversies, examples, case studies, expert opinions, related items, references etc. (Choose to write on a maximum of one or two of of these.)

4. Context:  How does this apply, to you or someone else personally, or in the global, national, regional, community, or local geographical contexts?

Book: Greiner, Alyson L.. Visualizing Human Geography: At Home in a Diverse World, 3rd Edition

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