Week 5 Discussion – Broken Windows Theory

Get all Your Education Homework help from Tutorslite.com Week 5 Discussion Forum – Broken Windows Theory   Assigned Reading: Thistlewaite and Wooldredge, Part 1, Chapter 4, Broken Windows: Does Urban Blight lead to crime? pp. 89-94 After reading the article...

Discussion -Microsoft Excel is an important tool for data

Get all Your Education Homework help from Tutorslite.com Discussion Microsoft Excel is an important tool for data analysis and visualization, and you will be using it as part of your team project. What have you learned about Excel from this week’s readings that...

Week 6 Discussion -Data Cleaning

Get all Your Education Homework help from Tutorslite.com Week 6 Discussion – Data Cleaning Please respond to the following: What did you know about data cleaning before you began working on the team project? Is it important to clean data meant for analysis? Why...

Week 7 Discussion – Collaboration and Productivity

Get all Your Education Homework help from Tutorslite.com Week 7 Discussion  – Collaboration and Productivity Complete the Collaboration and Business Productivity interactive scenario and the textbook readings. Then respond to the following: Explore the...

 Week 8 Discussion – Dashboards are Everywhere

Get all Your Education Homework help from Tutorslite.com  Week 8 Discussion – Dashboards are Everywhere Your assignments in this course have equipped you with the important skill of using Excel to turn data into visual elements. As you’ve learned from your...
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