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BSN499 Capstone Project
Journal Activity 1
Create a Word document that will be used for your Journal Activities. You will add to this Journal document each week, and submit the file for a grade in Module 8. Be sure your Journal entries are dated.
For your first Journal Entry, you will:
Reflect on your thoughts about how you have integrated the concepts of management and leadership that informed your role as a current or future nurse leader. How has it provided you with the opportunity to develop and enhance your role in multidisciplinary teams, and what have you gained from this experience? These are your thoughts – there is no need for citations/references unless you use a scholarly source.
Sample verbiage to assist in consolidating or categorizing themes in journal entries:
What thoughts and feelings are recorded in my journal?
Which thoughts and feelings are similar?
What can I identify as my subjective I’s?
What are the implications of my subjective I’s?
Journal entries will be graded at the end of the course using the rubric below. Complete each reflection during the appropriate week to stay current and reflect on the learning.