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Assignment: Contacting Your Representative Start Assignment
Contacting your representative is one way to engage in politics, but many Texans are unsure how to get in touch with their representatives or how to make their wishes known. This assignment is designed to allow you the opportunity to walk through the process of contacting a representative in the Texas Legislature. You will walk through the process but you are not required to actually call or email your representative. However, if you do reach out to your representative, please include the outcome.
You may want to first explore the optional documents below to help with your research. Once you have done the research, answer the following topics within your paper.
? Directory For Texas State Senators
? Links to an external site.
? ? Directory For Texas State Representatives
? LegiScan
? Links to an external site. – a database of bills and issues before the Texas Legislature
The Questions:
1. Select an issue that you are concerned about. Explain in one paragraph why you are interested in this issue and what you believe should be done about it.
2. Research your issue and explain if and when this has come before the Texas Legislature in the past. If it has not, explain why you think it has not yet come before the legislature.
3. Pick a representative to write or call about your issue. Explain why you picked this specific representative and what you might ask them to do to supportyour convictions in this area. Include the contact information for your representative. Explain how you would contact them (email, letter or phone call) and why you selected that method.
4. Include the script you would use to contact your representative. Feel free to use the templates provided.
5. Evaluate the process of contacting a representative. Did you actually make the call or send the letter? Why or why not? Would you be able to do this in the future? If you did contact your representative, report back on the experience.
The rules: Remember, this needs to be at least two pages of solid, thoughtful material in order to even be considered for full credit. Students receiving full credit usually turn in papers of at least 2.5 pages. Have some fun with it but remember this is an academic paper. No cussing or slang, use proper grammar and proof-read before
sending, use the spell-checker, do not end a sentence with a question mark (you are supposed to answer questions, not ask them), etc.
Do not put a heading at the top of your paper, as it does not count towards your page minimum. I know my name, the class and the date, and Canvas tells me your name. If you have a title you want to put up there then please do, but then start writing.
Type your paper in MS Word and upload it to Canvas using Turnitin. This will allow your paper to be checked for plagiarism.