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This assignment continues with the scenario from the Week 3 assignment. You will explain how goal setting and feedback are used to motivate a team. A goal is a desired result that you envision for your team and organizational success. Goal-setting helps you break down the things you want to achieve into more manageable steps so that you can gauge your progress. Feedback should be corrective or affirmative and should be delivered using the best method.
As you recall, Hometown Cars has been struggling to meet profit margins in all three of their departments (new car sales, used car sales, service and parts). As the general manager, you decide to set a new long-term goal for the sales teams to increase car sales by 10% over the next year.
This assignment contains two parts. In Part 1, you will apply goal-setting techniques. In Part 2, you will plan for delivering feedback to your team as they try to achieve the goals. Finally, you will submit both parts as PowerPoint slides according to the instructions outlined below. Part 1. Goal Setting 1. Set short-term goals that the team must accomplish to achieve the company long-term goal. Include one monthly, one weekly, and one daily goal for your sales teams. 2. Develop a means to monitor progress toward those goals that will motivate the new and used car sales teams to meet those goals. For example, if a grocery store’s monthly goal is to sell 10 cases of bananas, their weekly goal might be selling one case of bananas by running a buy-one-get-one-free banana sale. To do this, the grocery manager might promote the sale in the weekly flyer and set up a banana-sale display in the store. The grocery manager will then provide a poster in the employee break room that visually tracks the daily and weekly progress so the employees can share in the success and further promote the banana sales with customers in order to reach the long-term goal of 10 cases sold.
Part 2. Feedback 1. Imagine that one month has passed with the new goals in place. Prepare feedback slides to use in the future, in which you will respond to the measures of progress you defined. 2. Design feedback for both situations: the team is meeting the goals or it is not. Acting as the general manager, use the eight steps for providing corrective and affirmative feedback to write out the feedback you would deliver for each of the scenarios.
Part 3. Slide Presentation 1. Prepare a 6–8 slide PowerPoint presentation for your team. Refer to PowerPoint/Slideshow – Strayer Writing Standards (SWS) for guidance. You should include a title slide, an introduction slide, and a conclusion slide, in addition to the 6–8 content slides. 2. Part 1 of the presentation covers goal setting, in which you share the long-term and short-term goals and what the sales teams will need to specifically do to achieve them. (For a refresher on backwards planning, refer to Week 4, the Week 4 assignment, and your feedback on the assignment). Use speaker notes to provide explanation and clarification as needed. 3. Part 2 covers feedback. Prepare two slides as described above, one which would apply if the team is successful, and the other if the team is not. Label one slide Corrective Feedback and the other slide Affirmative Feedback. Add speaker notes to both of these slides, in which you explain the type of feedback, the method used to deliver it, and why you have chosen it. Use the appropriate terms covered in the Week 6 Coach’s Huddle. Add 2–3 sentences sharing why this feedback would be motivational.
Submission Requirements
Submit your slide presentation to the Week 6 assignment. This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is: Explain how feedback and backwards planning to set goals are used to motivate a team at a given company.