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1. Artifact: Provide a concise summary of the news article, focusing on the racial disparities highlighted, any statistical data provided, and the specific examples or cases discussed.
2. Think: Critically evaluate the article’s perspective and its implications for the justice system. Consider at least one of the following:
· Racial Threat Hypothesis: Does the article reflect the theory that as minority populations grow, policies become stricter, leading to higher incarceration rates among people of color?
· Disparity vs. Discrimination: Does the article discuss or imply whether the disparities are due to systemic discrimination or other factors, such as different rates of offending or higher policing in certain communities?
· Incarceration Rates: How does the article’s portrayal of incarceration rates compare to the statistics and trends discussed in the chapter?
· Consequences: Does the article touch on the social and political impacts of these disparities, such as disenfranchisement or community disruption?
3. Opinion: Do you believe that the reasons presented for racial disparities in corrections are valid or supported by the chapter’s material? What reforms, if any, do you think could address these disparities? Reflect on whether understanding the historical context of policies, like the War on Drugs, changes your perception of current disparities.