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IRLS502 International Political Systems
Week 2 Discussion
Do International Institutions Matter?
It is generally acknowledged that the number of international organizations has dramatically increased in the past century. IR scholars, however, disagree about the implications of this phenomenon.
Has this growing number of international organizations fundamentally changed the nature of international governance? If so, how? If not, why? Explain your answer using the weekly readings as your guide, and by referring to actual empirical examples.
Instructions: Your initial post should be at least 500 words. Please respond to at least two other students. Responses should be a minimum of 250 words. All three required posts should be supported by course readings using parenthetical references.
IRLS502 International Political Systems
Week 3 Discussion
Great Power Politics: Continuity or Change?
Scholars of international relations disagree about the inevitability of Great Power rivalries in the international system. Which of the arguments that you have read this week you find the most convincing? Why? (If you find none of the arguments convincing, offer your own alternative) Given your answer, and your knowledge of current international politics, should we expect a Great Power rivalry to develop in the near future? Why, or why not?
IRLS502 International Political Systems
Week 4 Discussion
The end of international war? Assessing the Democratic Peace
The debate about the pacifying effects of democracy on international politics has been ongoing for the last several decades, fueled by the absence of major warfare between the democratic states of Western Europe in the post-WW II era. Given what you know about the causal arguments behind the Democratic Peace Theory (DPT), and the empirical evidence in support of the theory, do you believe that we should see a decline in international warfare in the Middle East? Why, or why not?
IRLS502 International Political Systems
Week 5 Discussion
Explaining Regional Integration
Scholars of international relations disagree about the reasons that lead states to pursue regional integration arrangements. What theory best explains the creation of ASEAN? Why? Given the theoretical approaches that we have read, do you believe that the members of ASEAN are likely to pursue deeper integration in the future? Why, or why not?
IRLS502 International Political Systems
Week 6 Discussion
The Demise of the State? Globalization and the decline of sovereignty
While some IR scholars believe that globalization is leading to the “erosion of the state,” others believe that the nation-state will continue to remain the most important actors in the international system. Which argument do you find most convincing? Why? Regardless of your answer, what do you believe is the most important challenge that globalization poses to the role of the nation-state today?
IRLS502 International Political Systems
Week 7 Discussion
The Power of Social Movements: Transnational Actors and International Politics
The readings on the abolition of the Atlantic Slave trade and the adoption of the Ottowa Treaty, as the Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention is known, offer a variety of arguments about the condition under which (transnational) social movements and advocacy networks have been successful in shaping international politics. How can the “lessons learned” from these cases help us understand the failure of similar transnational coalitions to bring about a global climate change treaty?
IRLS502 International Political Systems
Assignment Journal Entry
For this assignment you will write a journal entry of one – two pages (or do an equivalent audio or video discussion) in which you answer the following questions:
How is your research project going? What sources have you found most useful? What obstacles have you encountered? Do you need any advice or clarification from the instructor?
If you want to do a video entry you can use the Media Gallery tab on the left side of the classroom to upload your video presentation. You can use the webcam feature in the Media Gallery to record your video presentation. Please add this to your Media Collection and be sure to share it. You can also turn it in using the assignments tab if the file is small enough. Please label your file as follows: LastName.FirstName.Week4Assignment (note: is it very important to include your name!)
IRLS502 International Political Systems
Assignment Research Proposal
To complete this assignment you are asked to:
(1) Identify a research topic that analyzes the interactions of state, non-state, and supra-national actors to examine for your 15-page research paper that is due at the end of Week 6
(2) Identify a specific research question that your paper will address. The question should be analytical, and not descriptive, in nature (The question should examine why something happened, not describe how it happened).
(3) Offer a brief explanation of the topic and your planned research
(4) Write a preliminary literature review of at least 6 sources. You must watch this video before doing the literature review. It explains how to do a literature review as opposed to an annotated bibliography. Do NOT provide an annotated bibliography.
The total length of this assignment will be approximately 5 pages. Detailed instructions for each of these components are outlined below:
Research Topic and Question:
Your proposed research question should be approximately one paragraph in length and concisely state the issue you are proposing for the Research Paper, and the specific question that you are interested in answering.
You will have considerable leeway in choosing your topic, although it should center on patterns of conflict and cooperation in the international system. Examples of appropriate topics are, for instance, the relative success and failure of regional integration efforts, but you could also look at one particular instance of regional integration. You may want to explore the causes and nature of war, or peace. Make sure to identify your general topic, but also a concise research question that can be answered in the space and time that you hae available.
Of course, you can always Message your instructor with any questions about a relevant paper topic.
Purpose Statement:
The purpose statement should be approximately 1-2 pages in length and outline (1) why you chose this particular topic and (2) what your preliminary findings or hypotheses are. It is, of course, quite likely that your hypotheses and conclusions may change over the course of the four weeks of doing research. The purpose statement should be considered a rough map towards the eventual paper.
Submission details:
The research question/topic, purpose statement, and Literature Review should be assembled in a single Word Document. The document should be approximately 5 pages in length, and submitted through the Assignments tab under Week 2, Research Question/Purpose Statement/Literature Review Assignment. Name your file LASTNAME#1.
General Instructions for Assignments
All assignments should be written in Word and uploaded as attachments within the Assignments section of the classroom. Use 12 pt. font and double-space. Be sure to put your name and class information on the document and put your name on the file. Insert page numbers. Assignments will be graded using a rubric appropriate for your class level.
IRLS502 International Political Systems
Assignment Research Paper
Use this tab to upload your Research Paper by Week 8. The Research Paper will be based on the topic you proposed in the Week 2 Research Question/Purpose Statement/Literature Review Assignment.
The paper should be between 13-15 pages in length (double-spaced, 12-point font), not including the cover page, references, and any appendices. References must be in Turabian format. For more tips on writing a good research paper, see the resources here.