Application Paper 1 – Identify one relevant article from a respectable news

Apr 13, 2024

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Application Paper 1

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Application Paper 1 – Identify one relevant article from a respectable news
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An application paper requires you to identify one relevant article from a respectable news source (i.e., WSJ, Forbes, Fortune) and critically review through the perspective of the material and work assigned for the week. The writing style and quality should be professional and meet UCR undergraduate expectations. All work must be original. 

•    The application paper should have the following four sections:
1.    Brief summary of the article. 
2.    The most important thing that you learned from the article. 
3.    How the article relates to the material discussed in the module. 
4.    How the article helps you become a better manager/future CEO.
5.    What are some possible ways you could monetize the knowledge you acquired after reading the article. 
•    Each section should be clearly labeled. 
•    The application paper should be single spaced.
•    The application paper should be 750 words minimum (Times New Roman, 12-point font). 
•    Each section should be at least 150 words in length. 
•    At the end of the Application Paper provide either a link to the article, a citation of the article or a copy of the article. 
•    The work must be original. 

Grading Criteria:
5 – high quality writing, original and meets length, structure (sections and appendix) and content expectations.
4 – high quality writing, original but misses one of length, structure, and context expectations. 
3 – acceptable quality writing, original but misses two or more of length, structure, and context expectations.
0 – unacceptable quality writing, non-original and misses most expectations.

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