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Presentation And Written Report
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Analysis/overview of the chosen store ( Nike)
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Introduction, Scope and Objectives
- Analysis/overview of the chosen store ( Nike)
- List of implemented tools, with a brief description of how you implement them (the following are mandatory)
- Empathy Map
- User Persona
- Customer Journey
- A summary of the key findings from your research.
- List of Pain Points &/or Problems and Issues faced by customers
- A reflection on your experience implementing the tools and how you may apply them in a real-world setting.
- An appendix which includes all visual material generated during your implementation of the tools.
8. A Harvard Referenced reference list.
Oral presentation: 10-minute oral presentation & Power point (10/15 slides maximum)
- Executive report: your executive report must be between 1,500 – 2,000 words
o Cover,Tableofcontents,referencesandappendixareexcludedfromthetotalwordcount.
o Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
o Text alignment: Justified